Friday, November 12, 2010

Upgrading to Fedora 14

The point of this blog is to record my adventures in upgrading my OS to Fedora 14. I've been using Red Hat/Fedora since (I think) Red Hat 6.2, and every time I've upgraded, I've encountered a few problems. None of them was insurmountable, but over the years I've found myself researching the same solution more than once. This blog is in part a way of making it easier for me in future.

Of course, problems will exist in more than just upgrading, so herein you'll find any of the tweaks I've made to make my life easier.

As I write this, I'm downloading the DVD ISO from ; if the next post doesn't appear for a week, you'll know I couldn't get the internet working after the upgrade.

In case you're wondering, I'm using a Medion quad-core Intel-based PC with fairly standard hardware (except for an Hauppauge TV card that I never really got working properly). I've got /home on a separate partition, and will leave that alone during the upgrade. Everything else will be formatted.

I called this blog 'Mostly by Typing' because I prefer using the command line. I'll periodically try doing stuff via the GUI, but it's almost always easier to do it by invoking the the mighty bash.

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